
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Ribbed Bar

Reinforced concrete steel ribbed bar is widely used in construction, road construction, tunnel construction and other infrastructure activities. This product is equipped with the TÜV certificate for quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2009, BS OHSAS 18001:2007.


The following dimensions are found in the production program:


Nominal diameter (mm) Nominal cross-sectional area (cm²) Nominal mass (kg/m)
8 0.503 0.395
10 0.785 0.617
12 1.130 0.888
14 1.540 1.210
16 2.010 1.580
18 2.54 2.000
20 3.140 2.470
22 3.80 2.982
25 4.910 3.850
28 6.160 4.830
32 8.040 6.310

Steel standards and quality

Reinforced concrete steel is delivered according to the following standards:

  • According to the DIN 488 standard of BSt 420S and BSt 500S quality
  • According to the European norm EN 10080- B500B and B500A
  • According to Austrian standard ÖNORM B4200/7 BSt 550

At the buyer’s request, it is possible to manufacture reinforced concrete steel according to national standards, in accordance with the technical capabilities of the manufacturer.

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